Thomas Condon
Thomas John Condon is a Founding Director and Vice President of Archdiocesan Affairs of The Queen of Angels Foundation.
Tom earned a Bachelor of Science degree in economics in 1963 from California State University at Los Angeles. Before retirement in 2003, Tom Condon worked in the securities industry for forty-two years. The last twenty-four years were spent at Provident Investment Counsel as Managing Director.
Tom is presently active in philanthropic organizations and serves on a number of boards. He is a member of the Order of Malta, Western Association. He served as President of the Los Angeles area for seven years. As a member of the Sub Priory of Our Lady of Philermo, he has taken a vow of Obedience. Tom serves as Ambassador to the Marshall Islands, Micronesia and Kiribatti for the Order. He is a member of the Order of Saint Gregory. In that capacity, Tom serves on the Advisory Board and the Development Committee in support of the House of Prayer for Priests.
Tom is a member of the Board of Trustees of Chaminade College Preparatory and Mayfield Senior School. He also serves on the University of Southern California Catholic Center Advisory Board, the Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies Board, the National Catholic Bioethics Board, the Advisory Board of Professional Business Bank, the Catholic Education Foundation Legacy Committee, the Archdiocesan Finance Council and the Holy Family Parish Finance Council.