Most Blessed and Immaculate Virgin, Our Lady of the Angels, in whose name our City and Archdiocese were founded, we humbly ask you to intercede for us, your children of the City of Angels, and invoke your royal power as Queen of the Angels by commanding St. Michael, the Protector of the Church and the Angel of the Blessed Sacrament and the Holy Mass, his army of angels, and the Guardian Angels, to protect and sustain, through your intercessory prayers, our Cardinal Archbishop, Roger Mahony, as he continues his pilgrimage as a servant of the People of God, and to protect and sustain our new Archbishop, José Horacio Gómez, in his stewardship of our Archdiocese. We beseech you, Holy Queen, to call upon the angels to protect all of our bishops, clergy, religious and all the Faithful from the enemies of religion. O Mary, Queen of Angels, protect our mayor, city council, supervisors, our judiciary, prosecutors, public defenders, teachers, police officers, firemen, and all government officials as they fulfill their roles as public servants in the City of Angels. O St. Michael, Guardian Angel of our Holy Father, with your host of angels stand by us and all of the children of Eve, of good heart everywhere, of whatever background, in our time of need, shield us and all of our leaders from every danger, and by your mighty sword defend us from all traps, deceptions and temptations that might befall us without the help of Our Lady, Queen of Angels, and her glorious army of angels under your command. Most Blessed Lady of the Angels, we beg for your intercession as Queen of Heaven in the name of your Son, Christ the King, whose kingdom knows no end. Amen.